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We Are The Reason 祂為了我們 / Just As I Am 最真實的我

現代詩歌 / Vivien Loh Nikar Wu

We Are The Reason 祂為了我們 / Just As I Am 最真實的我 詞曲:David Meece / Kim Ji Eun Vivien x Nikar To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live 小的時候 我們夢想聖誕節 在美麗的早晨 有玩具禮物 但我們從沒想過 有個嬰孩的誕生 賜我們最偉大 生命的禮物 長大以後 我們學習更明白 思想我們自己是什麼意義 在烏雲黑暗的那天 祂哭喊掛在十架 全都是因為愛 為了愛 我只想要藏在祢翅膀蔭下 渴求能更多停留在祢同在 生命最大的盼望 就在祢恩典之中 祢就站立在我的身旁 祢為了我們 付出了生命 祢為了我們 釘死在十架上 為迷失的世人 祢付出一切 賜我們生命真諦 We were the reason that He gave His life We were the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live We were the reason that He gave His life We were the reason that He suffered and died To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live To a world that was lost, He gave all He could give To show us the reason to live To show us the reason to live

影片上架日期: 2024年10月9日